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77. Sotomayor-Gomez, B., Battaglia, F., Vinck, M.
Differential population coding of natural movies through spike counts and temporal sequences
Accepted for Cell Reports.
76. Farahat, A., Vinck, M.
Neural responses in early, but not late, visual cortex are well predicted by random-weight CNNs with sufficient model complexity
75. Onorato, I., Tzanou, A., Schneider, M., Uran, C., Broggini, A., Vinck, M.
Distinct roles of PV and Sst interneurons in visually-induced gamma oscillations.
Cell Reports, in press.
74. Vinck, M., Uran, C., Dowdall, J., Rummell, B. & Canales-Johnson, A.
Large-scale interactions in predictive processing: oscillatory versus transient dynamics.
73. Cuevas, N., Sotomayor-Gómez, B., Tzanou, A., Broggini, A., Uran, C., & Vinck, M.
Stimulus-specificity of surround-induced responses in primary visual cortex.
72. Spyropoulos, G., Schneider, M., van Kempen, J., Gieselmann, M. A., Thiele, A., & Vinck, M.
Distinct feedforward and feedback pathways for cell-type specific attention effects.
68. Saponati, M., Vinck, M.
Sequence learning and STDP emerge from a voltage-based predictive learning rule.
Nature communications.
67. Sotomayor-Gomez, B., Battaglia, F., Vinck, M.
SpikeShip: A method for fast, unsupervised discovery of high-dimensional neural spiking patterns.
PLoS Computational Biology.
66. Dowdall, J., Schneider, M. Vinck, M.
Attentional modulation of inter-areal coherence explained by frequency shifts.
65. Vessel, E. A., Pasqualette, L. B. B. B., Uran, C., Koldehoff, S., & Vinck, M. Self-relevance predicts the aesthetic appeal of real and synthetic artworks generated via neural style transfer. Psychological Science.
64. Dorman R, Bos JJ, Vinck MA, Marchesi P, Fiorilli J, Lorteije JAM, Reiten I,
Bjaalie JG, Okun M, Pennartz CMA.
Spike-based coupling between single neurons
and populations across rat sensory cortices, perirhinal cortex, and hippocampus.
Cereb Cortex. 2023.
63. Broggini, A., Onorato, I., Tzanou, A., Sotomayor-Gomez, B., Uran, C., Vinck, M.
Optogenetic stimulation reveals frequency-dependent resonance and encoding in V1 excitatory and inhibitory neurons
62. Batista-Brito, R., Majumdar, A., Nuno, A., Ward, C., Barnes, C., Nikouei, K., Vinck, M., Cardin, J. Developmental loss of ErbB4 in PV interneurons disrupts state-dependent cortical circuit dynamics.
Molecular Psychiatry.
57. Spyropoulos, G., Dowdall, J., Scholvinck, M., Bosman, C., Lima, B.,
Peter, A., Onorato, I., Klon-Lipok, J., Roese, R., Neuenschwander, S.,
Singer, W., Fries, P., Vinck, M.
Spontaneous variability in gamma dynamics described by a linear harmonic oscillator driven by noise.
Nature Communications.
56. Liu, J., Vinck, M.
Improved visualization of high-dimensional data using the distance-of-distance transformation.
PLoS Computational Biology.
55. Yusuf, P. A., Lamuri, A., Hubka, P., Tillein, J., Vinck, M. Kral, M.
Deficient Recurrent Cortical Processing in Congenital
Frontiers in Neuroscience.
54. Uran, C., Peter, A., Lazar, A., Barnes, W., Klon-Lipok, J., Shapcott, K, Roese, R., Fries, P., Singer, W., Vinck, M.
Predictive coding of natural images by V1 activity revealed by self-superviserd deep neural networks.
53. Vezoli, J., Vinck, M., Bosman, C., Bastos, A., Lewis, M., Kennedy, H., Fries, P.
Brain rhythms define distinct interaction networks with differential dependence on anatomy.
52. Schneider, M., Broggini, A., Dann, B., Tzanou, A., Uran, C., Sheshadri, S., Scherberger, H., Vinck, M.
A mechanism for inter-areal coherence through communication based on connectivity and oscillatory power.
51. Peter, A., Stauch, B., Shapcott, K., Kouroupaki, K., Schmiedt, J., Klein, L., Klon-Lipok, J., Dowdall, J., Schoelvinck, M., Vinck, M., Schmid, M., Fries P.
Stimulus-specific plasticity of macaque V1 spike rates and gamma
Cell Reports.
50. Marchesi, P., Bos, J., Vinck, M., Pennartz, C.
System-Wide Replay in the Sensory Cortical-Hippocampal Hierarchy is Associated with Reward Anticipation.
Submitted to Neuron (available at SSRN).
49. Vezoli, J., Magrou, L., Goebel, R., Wang, XJ., Knoblauch, K., Vinck, M.*, Kennedy, H.*
Cortical Hierarchy and The Dual Stream Counter Architecture.
*Equally contributing last authors.
48. Yusuf, P., Hubka, P., Tillein, J., Vinck, M., Kral, A. Deafness weakens interareal couplings in the auditory cortex: I. Evidence from local field potentials.
Frontiers in Neuroscience.
47. Van der Velden, L., Vinck, M., Wadman, W.
Resonance in the mouse
Ventral Tegmental Area dopaminergic network induced by regular and
Poisson distributed optogenetic stimulation in-vitro.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.
46. Onorato, I., Neuenschwander, S., Hoy, J., Lima, B., Rocha, K., Broggini, A.C., Uran, C.,
Spyropoulos, G., Womelsdorf, T., Fries, P., Niell, C., Singer, W., Vinck, M.
A distinct class of bursting neurons with strong gamma synchronization and stimulus selectivity in
monkey V1.
45. Bos, J.,*, Vinck, M.*, Marchesi, P., Keestra, A., Mourik-Donga van,
L., Jackson, J., Verschure, P., Pennartz, C.
Multiplexing of self and
other information in hippocampal ensembles.
*Equally contributing first authors.
Cell reports
44. Van der Velden, L., Vinck, M., Werkman, T., Wadman, W.
Modulation of functional connectivity between dopamine neurons of the
rat Ventral Tegmental Area in-vitro.
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
43. Vinck, M., Perrenoud, Q.
Layers of rhythms - from cortical anatomy to dynamics.
42. Peter, A., Uran, C, Klon-Lipok, J,
Roese, R., van Stijn, S., Barnes, W., Dowdall, J, Singer, W, Fries, P.
Vinck, M.
Surface color and predictability determine contextual modulation of V1 firing and gamma oscillations.
41. Miri, M.*, Vinck, M.*, Pant, R., Cardin, J.
Altered hippocampal interneuron activity precedes ictal onset.
*equally contributing authors.
40. Olcese, U., Bos, J., Vinck, M., Pennartz, C.
Functional determinants
of enhanced and depressed inter-areal information flow in NREM sleep
between neuronal ensembles in rat cortex and hippocampus.
39. Batista-Brito, R.*, Zagha, E.*, Ratliff, J, Vinck, M.*.
Modulation of cortical circuits by top-down processing and arousal state in health and disease.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
*equally contributing authors.
38. Grossberger, L., Battaglia, F, Vinck, M.
Unsupervised clustering of temporal patterns in high-dimensional neuronal ensembles using a novel dissimilarity measure.
PLoS Computational Biology
37. Pesaran, B. Vinck, M., Einevoll, G.,
Sirota, A., Fries, P., Siegel, M., Truccolo, W., Schroeder, C.,
Srinivasan, R.
Investigating large-scale brain dynamics using field potential recordings: Analysis and interpretation.
Nature Neuroscience
36. Van der Velden, L., Vinck, M., Werkman, T., Wadman, W.
Tuning of neuronal interactions in the lateral ventral tegmental area by dopamine sensitivity.
35. Batista-Brito, R.*, Vinck, M.*,
Ferguson, K., Chang, J., Laubender, D., Lur, G., Hernandez, V.,
Ramakrishnan, C., Deisseroth, K., Higley, M., Cardin, J.
Developmental dysfunction of VIP interneurons impairs cortical circuits.
*contributed equal first authors.
34. B. N. Javor-Duray, M. Vinck, M. van der Roest, E. Bezard, H. W. Berendse, T. Boraud, P. Voorn.
Alterations in functional cortical hierarchy in hemiparkinsonian rats.
Journal of Neuroscience
33. Bos J.J.*, Vinck M*, Mourik-Donga A.B., Jackson, J.C., Witter, M.P. Pennartz., C.M.A.
Firing patterns of perirhinal neurons are sustained across chunks of task environment.
Nature Communications
*contributed equal first authors.
32. Babapoor-Farrokhran, S., Vinck, M., Womelsdorf, T., Everling, S.
Theta synchrony coordinates frontal eye fields and anterior cingulate cortex.
Nature Communications
31. Lansink, C. S., Meijer, G. M., Lankelma, J. V., Vinck, M., Jackson, J. C., Pennartz, C. M. A.
Reward expectancy engages hippocampal beta rhythm.
Journal of Neuroscience
30. Olcese*, U., Bos*, J., Vinck*, M., Lankelma, J., van Mourik-Donga, L., Schlumm, F., Pennartz, C.
Spike-based functional connectivity in cerebral cortex and hippocampus:
loss of global connectivity is coupled to preservation of local
connectivity during non-REM sleep.
Journal of Neuroscience
*contributed equal first authors
29. Malkki, H., Lankelma, J., Mertens, P.,
Vinck, M., van Schalkwijk, F., Battaglia, F., Mahlke, Kuhl, D.,
Pennartz. C.
Effects of Arc/Arg3. 1 gene deletion on rhythmic synchronization of
hippocampal CA1 neurons during locomotor activity and sleep.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
28. Vinck, M. and Bosman, C.
More Gamma More
Predictions: Gamma-Synchronization as a Key Mechanism for Efficient
Integration of Classical Receptive Field Inputs with Surround
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
27. Lur, G., Vinck, M., Tang, L., Cardin, J., Higley, M.
Projection-specific visual feature encoding by layer 5 cortical subnetworks.
Cell Reports
26. Vinck, M., Bos, J., Donga, L., Oplaat,
K., Klein, G., Jackson, J.C., Gentet, L.J., Pennartz, C.M.A.
Cell-type and state-dependent synchronization among rodent areas S1BF, V1, perirhinal cortex and hippocampus CA1.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
25. McGinley*, M. Vinck*, M., Reimer*, J.,
Batista-Brito, R., Zagha, E., Cadwell, C., Tolias, A., Cardin, J.,
McCormick. D.
Waking State: Rapid Variations Modulate Neural and Behavioral Responses.
*contributed equal first authors
24. Vinck, M., Brito-Batista, R., Knoblich, U., Cardin, J.A.
Arousal and locomotion make distinct contributions to cortical activity patterns and visual encoding.
23. Ardid S, Vinck M, Kaping D, Marquez S, Everling S, Womelsdorf T.
Mapping of functionally characterized cell classes onto canonical circuit operations in primate prefrontal cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience
22. Vinck, M., Huurdeman, L., Bosman, C., Fries, P., Battaglia, F., Pennartz, C., Tiesinga, P.
How to detect the Granger-causal flow direction in the presence of additive noise?
21. Javor-Duray, B., Vinck, M., van der Roest, M., Mulder, A., Stam, C.J., Berendse, H., Voorn, P.
Early-onset cortico-cortical synchronization in the hemiparkinsonian rat model.
Journal of Neurophysiology
20. Brunet, N., Vinck, M., Bosman, C.A., Singer, W., Fries, P.
Gamma or no gamma, that is the question.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
19. Montijn, J., Vinck, M., Pennartz, C.
Population coding in mouse visual cortex: response reliability and dissociability of stimulus tuning and noise correlation.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
18. Huijbers W, Pennartz C, Beldzik E, Domagalik A, Vinck M, Hofman W, Cabeza R, Daselaar S.
Respiration phase-locks to fast stimulus presentations: implications for
the interpretation of posterior midline “deactivations”.
Human Brain Mapping
17. Brunet, N.*, Bosman, C*, Vinck, M*,
Roberts, M., Oostenveld, R., Desimone, R., de Weerd, P., Fries, P.
Stimulus repetition modulates gamma-band synchronization in primate visual cortex.
*contributed equal first authors
16. Cabral, H., Vinck, M., Fouquet, C., Pennartz, C.M.A., Rondi-Reig, L., Battaglia, F.P.
Oscillatory dynamics and place field maps reflect sequence and place
memory processing in hippocampal ensembles under NMDA receptor control.
15. Vinck, M., Womelsdorf, T., Buffalo, E., Desimone, R., Fries, P.
Attentional modulation of cell-class specific gamma-band synchronization in awake monkey area V4.
14. Philips, J., Vinck, M., Everling, S., Womelsdorf, T.
A long-range fronto-parietal 5-10 Hz network predicts top-down controlled guidance in a task-switch paradigm.
Cerebral Cortex
13. van Wingerden, M*, Vinck, M*, Tijms, V, Ferreira, I, Jonker, A, Pennartz, C
NMDA receptors control cue-outcome selectivity and plasticity of
orbitofrontal firing patterns during associative stimulus-reward
*contributed equal first authors
12. Vinck, M, Battaglia, FP, Balakirsky, V, Vinck, AJ, Pennartz, C.
Estimation of the entropy based on its polynomial representation.
Physical Review E (Statistical Physics)
11. Womelsdorf, T.*, Lima, B.*, Vinck, M.*,
Oostenveld, R., Singer, W., Neuenschwander, S., Fries, P.
Orientation selectivity and noise correlation in awake monkey V1 are modulated by the gamma cycle.
*contributed equal first authors
10. Vinck, M., Battaglia, F., Womelsdorf, T., Pennartz, C.
Improved measures of phase-coupling between spikes and the Local Field Potential.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
9. Kaping, D., Vinck, M., Hutchison, R., Everling, S., Womelsdorf, T.
Specific contributions of ventromedial frontal, anterior cingulate and
lateral prefrontal cortex for attentional selection and stimulus
PLoS Biology
8. Pennartz, C, van Wingerden, M, Vinck, M.
Population coding and neural rhythmicity in the orbitofrontal cortex.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
7. Vinck, M., Oostenveld, R., van Wingerden, M., Battaglia, F., Pennartz, C.
An improved index of phase synchronization for electrophysiological data
in the presence of volume-conduction, noise and sample-size bias.
6. Womelsdorf, T., Vinck, M., Leung, S. & Everling, S.
Selective theta synchronization of choice relevant information subserves goal-directed behavior.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
5. van Wingerden, M.*, Vinck, M.*, Lankelma, J., Pennartz, C.,
Learning-associated gamma-band phase-locking of action-outcome selective neurons in orbitofrontal cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience
*contributed equal first authors
4. van Wingerden, M., Vinck, M., Lankelma, J., Pennartz, C.,
Theta-band Phase-locking of Orbitofrontal Neurons during Reward Expectancy.
Journal of Neuroscience
3. Womelsdorf, T., Johnston, K., Vinck, M. & Everling, S.
Theta activity in anterior cingulate cortex predicts task-rules and their adjustments following errors.
2. Vinck, M., Wingerden van, M., Womelsdorf, T., Fries, P., Pennartz, C. M. A.,
The pairwise phase consistency: A bias-free measure of rhythmic neuronal synchronization.
1. Vinck, M., Lima, B., Womelsdorf, T., Oostenveld, R., Singer, W., Neuenschwander, S., Fries, P.,
2010. Gamma-phase shifting in awake monkey visual cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience
1. Vinck, M., Womelsdorf, T., Fries, P.
Gamma-band synchronization and information transmission.
In: Principles of Neural Coding. Eds. Stefano Panzeri & Rodrigo Quian Quiroga. CRC Taylor and Francis.
2. Harris, K. D., J. M. Groh, J. DiCarlo, P. Fries, M. Kaschube, G. Laurent, J. MacLean, D. McCormick, G. Pipa, J. Reynolds, A. Schwartz, T. Sejnowski, W. Singer, M. Vinck, 2019. Functional Properties of Circuits, Cellular Populations, and Areas. In: The Neocortex, ed. W. Singer, T. J. Sejnowski and P. Rakic, pp. 223-265. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 27, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.